Tuesday, 11 October 2011


A deep breath in and a calming thought (x100)
Did it work for you or are you still on that edge,
looking over with amazement at how tiny they all seem
at this birds' eye view...
"jump! Jump! Jump!jump!" my thoughts rage on and that stupid little voice eggs me to do it,
FUCK! The air rushes pass as I propel toward the hard earth below
faster! faster! faster! FREEZE!!!!!

A deep breath in and a calming thought (x100)
Out-ER body experience,
A simple minded bystander in a fast paced world,
Frozen in time on the way to a death that I've died a million times,
dying it once again but this time in an Out-ER body experience
Can I ever heal, can I ever let go truly or is it really dying this death that will allow me to be free!
Shivering, shaking, heart beat accelerating, speeding past the trees as I...
Rush toward the ground!
faster! faster! faster, no freezing, no, not this time!
A blink of the eye and SPLAT!!
The death, I had died a thousand times,
Did I feel it? Did it work??

A deep breath in and a calming thought, this time just one,
I'm dead, no pain, no life, no exhaling to inhale to exhale again,
no hoping, no praying, no waiting or wondering
good bye to you, good bye to life, good bye to pains of immense proportions.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. The "End" is only the begining of another journey. Bon Voyage, con amor.


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